PARAGRAPHS should be Paragraph 1 Theme:
Black font
Size 18
Roboto Thin but bolded
SUBTITLES should be Heading 4 Theme
All capitalized
Far left of the screen page stretch
​Font color should match the underline color in the Top Heading (see different options below)​​
Size 35
League Gothic Regular
TOP HEADING should be Heading 2 Theme
All capitalized
Far left of the screen page stretch
Font color depends on background color. If the background color is white - the font should be dark blue, any other background color should have white writing on it.
Underline color should with the pairings below: ​
Dark Blue background - white text - yellow underline​ (Campaign / Giving Pages)
Light blue background - white text - dark blue underline (Impact / Agency Pages)
Yellow background - white text - dark blue underline (Internal / Advocacy Pages)
Underline added under text
Size 70
League Gothic Regular
Text box - justified, black, size 18, Roboto Thin but bolded.
Text box - justified, black, size 18, Roboto Thin but bolded.
Text box - justified, black, size 18, Roboto Thin but bolded.