Mercy Health — Urbana Hospital is pleased to announce our Urbana Cancer Center is now open to cancer care patients, offering an expansion of Mercy Health cancer services to the area. The new cancer center, located in the former McAuley Center long-term care facility, includes four medical oncology exam rooms, six private infusion bays and a private infusion suite.
The cancer center is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center can be reached by phone at 937-484-6680.
Urbana Hospital staff and guests recently gathered to bless the new cancer center. The blessing symbolizes our commitment to this new service and the collective strength and dedication of the hospital staff and supporters. The team is thrilled with this expansion of services on our Urbana campus to address the needs of the communities we serve.
In the spring, the team plans a larger ribbon cutting to celebrate the completion of the new entrance and the arrival of warmer weather in the center’s new healing garden adjacent to the larger McAuley Memorial Garden. The hospital plans additional moves, including registration and other departments, this winter.
